Hand and Wrist Injuries Due to Trampolines
With the cold weather in full swing, many parents turn to indoor activities to keep young children occupied. Indoor trampolines and recreational trampoline parks are rising in popularity, and sales of trampolines continue to grow. With proper use and supervision, trampolines can be safe and provide hours of exercise and fun for kids. Unfortunately, trampoline injuries do occur, and may require prompt medical attention.
The key to avoiding injury is to practice safe trampoline use. The American Academy of Pediatrics has developed the following several important recommendations to prevent injuries during use of trampolines:
• Minimum age of 6 years
• Single user at a time
• No stunts
• Active adult supervision at all times
• Use of safety equipment in good condition (netting and padding)
Injuries are more prone to occur when these guidelines are not followed. Any child suffering a serious injury or fracture should seek immediate emergency attention.
In the event that a child reports pain in the hand or wrist after injury on the trampoline, treatment can be sought with the specialists at Hand and Microsurgery Associates. In many instances, we are able to offer patients appointments to be seen and treated within a day, and sometimes on the same day.
The opportunity to be seen at Hand and Microsurgery offices offers the chance to see a specialist who is an expert in the care of the hand and wrist, while also being time and cost effective. Patients are able to obtain X-rays, be examined by the provider, and receive treatment recommendations during the course of the visit, while avoiding the expense of an emergency room. Therapy services are available for many patients to receive custom fabricated splints and treatment during the same visit.
To contact Hand and Microsurgery Associates, please call 614-262-4263 to speak to our scheduling team. M-F 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM